Roar People is an evidence-based team working internationally with clients who want to deepen their leadership capability at an individual, team and organisational level. We are passionate about challenging the status quo and sustaining leadership at every level. Our clients include Ernst & Young, Fox International, Kimberly-Clark, Microsoft, Paramount Pictures, Southern Cross Care, University of Western Sydney and many others.
Australian Team

Suzi Skinner
Strengths: Love, Strategic Awareness, Creativity, Optimism, Love of learning
Suzi is the founder of Roar People, an expert leadership coach and facilitator with thousands of hours experience. She is the author of academic articles and the book Build Your Leader Identity. In her spare time Suzi is also undertaking a PhD in Leadership at Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong.

Leonie Cutts
Strengths: Honesty, Love of learning, Zest, Curiosity and Creativity
Leonie is an energetic and enthusiastic facilitator with over 25 years’ experience facilitating leadership programs, and bringing teams together. She is the owner and creator of the Compatibility Communication System (CCS) used by coaches and facilitators worldwide. At the heart of her work, Leonie is committed to drawing out the best in people and creating a safe place to grow and develop.

Candice Smith
Strengths: Love, Gratitude, Spirituality, Kindness, Honesty
Candice has worked for over two decades to help bring out the innate humanity of individuals and organizations. As a Coach and Facilitator Candice helps develop and embed sustainable practices for organizations wanting to shift to a more inclusive and collaborative culture. She has worked across Australia, Asia and Africa, including financial services, banking, construction, petrochemicals, customer engagement, academia and government.

Elizabeth Norris
B. Psych (HONS) MAPS
Strengths: Bravery, Creativity, Perspective, Judgement, Strategy, Social Intelligence
Elizabeth is an Industrial and Organisational psychologist with more than 27 years of experience, working with industry, corporations and individuals across Australia. Over the years she had developed specific expertise in executive coaching, leadership development, organisational culture change, performance management, strategic selection, and diversity management. Liz has been a fully registered psychologist since 1989. She gained her specialisation in 2000, where she entered the College of Organisational Psychologists. Her specialisation is also recognised internationally where she gained her affiliate membership to the Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychologists USA. She is also a founding member of the Australian Psychological Society’s Coaching Psychologists Interest Group.
International Partners

Erin O'Connell
International Partner
Strengths: Humour, Creativity, Judgement, Bravery, Perspective, Perseverance, Fairness
Erin is recognised as a joyful, inquisitive coach effective in aligning business strategy with practical solutions to enhance individual, team, and organisation performance. Her direct, spirited, and focused facilitation style is appreciated by her clients. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organisation Psychology and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation. As president of Lockhart Leadership Solutions, LLC, Erin pairs her clear thinking, determination, and effective client relationship skills with her broad knowledge of Organisation Effectiveness and dogged determination to get results.

Blair C. Relf
International Partner
Strengths: Kindness, Curiosity, Strategic Perspective, Creativity, Gratitude
Blair brings diverse business and academic credentials, a leading edge knowledge of psychology including the neuroscience of leadership, an ability to connect quickly and deeply with people, and seasoned insights into achieving new levels of performance. Blair has a B.A. in Economics, has completed MBA coursework in Finance, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, and earned a Dual Doctorate in Ind./Org. and Clinical Psychology.

Sinead Hart
Dip. Integrative Counselling
International Partner
Strengths: Humour, Forgiveness, App of Beauty, Kindness, Honesty
Sinead is an energetic, fun and highly trained facilitator, with over 20 years’ experience of working individually with clients and facilitating groups. After graduating from Trinity College, Sinead has worked within a diverse set of organisations throughout Ireland. Sinead has trained in Counselling, Crises intervention, Sociology and Nonviolent communication. She has a deep love of learning, with a keen interest in incorporating many instinctual modalities within facilitation, Sinead is skilled at engaging individuals and groups through the creative process to discovery, joy and insights, the techniques she uses incorporate the healing arts and developmental sciences. In her spare time, she facilitates community music circles and mentorship, within her company Harteland rhythms.

Daniel Lieberman
International Partner
Strengths: Judgement Leadership Perspective Fairness and Humour
Daniel is not your every day executive coach. He brings 25+ years of unique executive experience. Including the CEO of Seattle’s world-famous Pike Place Market, Fortune 500 leadership, Chief of Staff for the Chief Medical Officer of a $20B healthcare delivery non-profit, and $.5 billion P&L responsibility. As a global executive leadership coach, Daniel’s client list includes leaders at Airbnb, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, BP, CBRE, Dell, Google, Home Depot, International Rescue Committee, Microsoft, Novo Nordisk, Philips, Schwab, Starbucks, and numerous less recognizable technology, healthcare, biotech and life sciences organizations.

Randy Pomeroy
M. of Applied Behavioral Science, Coaching and Consulting in Organizations, PCC
International Partner
Strengths: Creativity, Judgement, Appreciation of Beauty, Kindness, Curiosity, Teamwork
Randy is an expert leadership coach and facilitator with more than 25 years’ experience working with high performance individuals, teams and organizations. He has extensive training and practice in experiential education, helping clients to illustrate and embody key principles in effective leadership, followership and teamwork. Randy works with leaders from all over the world in fortune 500 companies, as well as not for profits, higher education, and startups in a range of industries including high tech, energy, entertainment, and healthcare.

Joan Fiore
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, ABPP – Diplomate Status in Systems Psychology, MCCA
International Partner
Strengths: Honesty, Creativity, Bravery, Curiosity, Zest
For over 35 years, Joan has worked with a variety of leaders, increasing and enabling their capacity to become the best they can be. She has a unique combination of education and experiences which drive her success as a coach. A Ph.D. in Psychology equips her to understand peoples’ core issues and behaviors and enhance their capacity to become more effective leaders. Additionally, she is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with the International Coach Federation. Her expertise in Systems Psychology, enables her to see the big picture and identify leaders' optimal leverage points for driving forward the necessary changes to achieve their personal, team and organizational goals. Her areas of expertise are in leadership development, organizational systems and change, effective teams, culture and strategy.

Colleen Bastian
International Partner
Strengths: Problem-Solving, Planning, Motivation
Colleen has extensive experience and expertise as an executive coach and organizational psychologist. Her background in leadership development, group dynamics, assessment, and behavior change enables her clients to reach their greatest potential.

Freddie Ray
International Partner
Strengths: Honesty, Fairness, Leadership, Zest, Gratitude, Forgiveness
Freddie is a national speaker and executive coach whose expertise is sustainable leadership skills. Clients commit to growth through the discovery and implementation of models, building a foundation for action based goals, strategic results planning and leadership success.

Melanie Cossette
M.S. Organizational Leadership and Community Psychology
International Partner
Strengths: Love, Judgement, Social Intelligence, Kindness, Fairness
Melanie’s approach to working with clients is grounded in 20+ years of experience running businesses, facilitating organizational change initiatives, and leading individuals and teams to greater wholeness and productivity.
She joins clients, honoring their expertise, and charts a plan to assist them in the implementation of successful outcomes using various assessment tools and coaching techniques to tailor what is needed for the clients she serves.

Paul O’Beirne
International Partner
Paul is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He works with individuals, teams and organizations in creating their desirable future, by aligning their strategy and engaging key stakeholders in taking accountability for driving success. Paul believes in empowering the people in organizations and creating the environment and conditions where they can realize their potential. He works with a diverse set of businesses such as Technology, Finance, Media, Healthcare and Real Estate.